mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Only Three Days To Donate!

Check Out Nyanga's Indiegogo Campaign
New Videos and Photos Posted As They Arrive!

1. Have fun with the campaign and donate on behalf of your pet! After donating on the Indiegogo site visit ourChimPals Facebook page and post a photo of your best friend!

2. Refer Nyanga's Indiegogo Campaign for the chance to win an exclusive Alpha Chimp Combo Pack (IDA-Africa baseball cap, t-shirt, tote bag, handmade chimp pendant and a signed copy of Dr. Sheri Speede's KINDRED BEINGS)! Simply log into Indiegogo and share the campaign via Facebook, Twitter, Google or email. Bring in the most donations via referrals and win!

3. Check out new videos and photos of Nyanga, Carla, Margot and Kanoa and share with family and friends. Have you seen the Chimp Conga Line or Nyanga and Carla chasing each other around a tree? Take a moment to relax, enjoy and "play with the babies in the forest."

Please help us build our new enclosure and a new family for Nyanga and her friends!

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